6 Perks of attending a College with Small Classes

With a student-to-faculty ratio of just 13:1 和 an average class size of 17, students at Carthage will not get lost in the college crowd. Here are six reasons why being in a small class is such a big deal.

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教授. Andrea Henle helps a student with a research project. 因为博彩网址大全是一所有sm的大学...

1. 你会和你的教授建立联系.

At Carthage, professors know your name 和 genuinely care about your success. You can expect a concerned email in your inbox if you have to miss class. Forming these bonds opens the door for future projects 和 research opportunities with your professors.

“The faculty at Carthage have definitely had an impact on my life. I have many great relationships with my professors, one in specific with 科琳·帕尔默教授24岁的梅根·克里斯蒂安解释道 公共关系沟通 双学位. “教授. Palmer makes me feel comfortable in every class I’ve had with her. She also forwards me internship opportunities, which you normally wouldn’t get from your professors at a big school. She constantly goes out of her way to help her students.”

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“The faculty at Carthage have definitely had an impact on my life.”

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2. 你将参与课堂讨论.

Class discussions will become an integral part of your classes 和 curriculum — an advantage that larger classes can’t offer. These dynamic discussions lead to interesting 和 intimate learning experiences that help every student succeed.

不敢在课堂上发言? 不要. Your professors 和 classmates want to hear what you have to say.

“My favorite class at Carthage so far has to be a tie between Modern Caribbean: From Pirates to the Cuban Missile Crisis 和 知识基础. Both classes had great lectures 和 plenty of discussion time, which made the classes fly by,” said 历史特殊教育 麦迪逊·佩恩少校,26岁. “在海盗, I remember going back to do the readings 和 being shocked by how little knowledge I came in with, which made me look forward to each day of the lecture. 至于知识基础, I had a professor who never failed to facilitate great conversation.”

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“I had a professor who never failed to facilitate great conversation.”

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3. 你会去上课的.

Let’s face it: There will come a day when you just want to skip class. 也许你累了. Maybe you’ve got a huge project due later in the week. But skipping costs you more in the long run, 在博彩网址大全, class size is a big motivator to get you in your seat.

为什么? Well, if you don’t show up, people will notice. You will find that you are an important contributor who will be missed. All students benefit from 每一个人 being in class. Many professors include attendance in their grading. 最重要的是? You will go to class because you want to go to class.

“我喜欢音乐剧场技巧 马修·霍兰德教授. I am always excited to walk into this class 和 experience my love for music,” expressed 音乐剧 学生达娜·帕尔默,25岁. “We prepare songs 和 perform them in front of our peers. We then receive coaching based on our performance 和 discuss how we feel about our performance. After the coaching, our peers give us commentary.”

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“I am always excited to walk into this class.”

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4. 你会和你的同学联系起来.

Small classes allow for strong relationships to form among classmates in 和 outside of the classroom, 哪个能让学习更舒适, 学习过程更有成效, 协作更有意义, 和大学生活更愉快.

“说实话,大大学吓到我了. I never wanted to be a face in a lecture of 300 people where the professor didn’t know me, 我不认识我的同学, 没有人关心我. 我想成为重要人物. 博彩网址大全给了我这个机会,” said Madelyn Leppiacho ’25, a 历史 主要. “从巡回演出和与学生交谈中, I could see the close-knit community in which 每一个人 has a place 和 a network of people that can help us succeed.”

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“我想发挥作用. 博彩网址大全给了我这个机会.”

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教授. Jean Quashnock helps students in a physics class.

5. You will get the help you need, without waiting for office hours.

当你的班级很小的时候, you can ask questions the moment they arise — 和 have them answered immediately, increasing your productivity 和 improving your overall experience in a course. 教授essors check in while teaching to make sure 每一个人 理解内容.

斯蒂芬妮·米切尔教授的 上课对我来说可不是件容易的事, but I learned so many valuable lessons that I will need to be successful throughout college” explained 业务市场营销 主要 阿雅娜·克伦肖,24岁. “Her class taught me the importance of communicating with professors, taking advantage of the small class sizes, 敞开心扉, 和 exploring classes outside of your 主要. The work you put in outside of the classroom is just as important as in the classroom.”

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“I learned so many valuable lessons that I will need to be successful throughout college.”

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Student sitting in a lecture classroom.

6. You will want to do well, 和 you can.

A small class brings big opportunities for success. 你不会在人群中迷路的. You will feel more motivated to work hard. 教授essors will support your pursuits. And you will be exposed to learning styles that could not exist in large classes. With closer attention 和 heightened focus, learning is fun 和 fruitful.

“表演真的很棒. 每一天, 在上课的开始, we start with a game to activate 每一个人 和 break down the tension that comes with acting,26岁的特雷弗·米尔恩说, 谁的专业是 工程 还有音乐剧. 在整个课堂上, we all lift each other up through the experience together, really making it feel like I’m working alongside 每一个人 else, 不对抗所有人.”

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“We all lift each other up through the experience together, really making it feel like I’m working alongside 每一个人 else.”

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